Get the skills and confidence to excel on stage!
Become a triple threat!
Whether you are a beginning or veteran performer, we develop those acting, singing and choreography skills!
Reach your goals!
We prepare you for school, community and professional opportunities!
Musical Theatre Technique & Production (MTTP JR)
Grades 1-3
Students put on a fully staged Disney Kids musical theatre production in the early spring! The remainder of the spring semester are focused on developing individual skills - acting, singing, and choreography!
Musical Theatre Technique & Production (MTTP II)
Grades 7-12
Students will develop their singing, acting and choreography/production skills through "intensives" during the fall semester, then apply those skills to a full-length musical theatre production in June!
Theatre Improv
Grades 4-7
A no-pressure class designed to build confidence and theatre skills in a casual, fun environment using theatre games and improvisation exercises!
Young Performers
Ages 3-6
An introductory class for young students to explore both music and acting, feautring two mini-musical productions each year!
Musical Theatre Technique & Production (MTTP I)
Grades 3-7
Students put on a fully staged Broadway JR musical theatre production in the early spring! The final months of the school year are focused on advanced skills for a final end-of-the-year showcase!
Acting Technique & Production (ATP)
Grades 6 thru College
Find your place in the spotlight! Beginning and veteran students receive specialized instruction for their age and skill level in three different classes. This unique, next-level program will develop acting skills and technique that will be applied to either a theatre showcase (ATP I) or a culminating production at the end of the year (ATP II & III).
Joy of Acting
Ages 8 and up
Specifically designed for students on the autism spectrum, students learn social skills through improvisation, comedy and musical theatre!